CALLING ALL ARTISTS! What do you think an Aquabear looks like?

the Aquabear in bronze by Lauren Winnen

The Aquabear Legion is looking for works of art in a variety of forms and types depicting interpretations of our mascot and namesake, the mythical Aquabear. Other than that there are not many limitations or rules, we just want to see what you think of when you think about an Aquabear.

We are hoping to gather all of these up for a big Aquabear art show in Athens in 2012, most likely during the 6th annual Aquabear County Fair on March 9-10, 2012. In addition, we hope to use this art to continue collaborating between Ohio musicians and Ohio artists by featuring it on our website and in other items to promote Aquabear Legion (pins, prints, t-shirts, handbills, etc.). Also, if you are so kind to donate your work to use (hey, we’re almost a non-profit now!) we are hoping to auction off or sell some of this work to raise funds.

Please contact us at if you have any questions or to RSVP that you plan on submitting. All entries for this round are due by March 1, 2012 but this will be an ongoing project so entries are always welcome. Feel free to pass this along to anyone else you think would be interested!


