Weedghost continues trekking across the Midwest and sending us updates of their adventures.
Regarding Sunday night’s set at The Shire in Yellow Springs Weedghost says “Awesome set in the barn. Some bluegrass, courtesy of Blue Moon Soup. Beers, dogs eating the shit out of any moth they can catch, beers…and we sold $20 worth of merch. True to form, a couple bunch of beers in, I gave away another $30 worth of stuff. Modelo in a can could solve some of the worlds problems….”
More photos and updates after the break! Show at Wiebe’s house tonight, Chicago!
“Day three. Off to Chicago to spread the ‘merican! Yellow Springs was fantastic. Thanks to everyone involved! We’re just now pulling out of the magic parking lot that takes you everywhere in Fairborn you need to go. Look out, Chicago, here comes some crappy noise!”
“So long, Ohio. I miss you already, mostly due to the onslaught of religious billboards that pop up immediately outside of your borders. Not sure if we have a show tonight or not. If not, I’m sure it won’t stop me from having a few beers and handing out merch to random people on the street. Spreading the gospel, indeed.”