Those Weedghost boys are still at it, visiting the noise rock mecca that is Sheboygan, Wisconsin and spending some quality time with our Aquabear Wisconsin agent Sir Rick Dogdson!
Photos above and dispatches from Andrew after the break!
First dispatch: “Weedghost is off tonight, deciding instead to enjoy a fine film with Sir Richard Dodgson. Said film did not disappoint. Weedghost is enjoying some good local press with a small feature on the Sheboygan Hub website. Not sure exactly how to link that at the moment. The fucking internets…how do they work? Oh, and round one of disc golf goes to Rick. That sum’bitch is really good.”

“Preparing to blow eardrums at the Paradigm in Sheboygan. Paradigm has moved since we last played here. The space is very open, beautiful hardwood floors and a rather large stage. The guitar pedal to people ratio is about 4 to 1 at the moment. Shaping up to be a fun show. However, I think I’ve come to the ever important time of the night where I sneak away and pound a beer…”
“Ah, Sheboygan…The Paradigm show was an absolute success. Thanks to everyone who played, watched, chatted with us or watched me do shots across the street. The Ebko Arts show was quite the success, as well. It was located in a converted warehouse, divided into one gallery space and parceled off into several surrounding studios. After watching spaced out artists debate who was going first, Weedghost plugged their shit in and went for it. It’s tied for our favorite set of the tour. A young lady, around the age of 2, thought the same. We got high fives from her after the set.
If anyone was wondering, the disc golf breakdown goes like this:
Round one- Rick
Round two- tie between Rick, Mosquitos and missionaries.
Round three- Rick.
Round four- Too close to call, but probably Rick.
I wasn’t kidding about him being good. It also didn’t help that I sucked so hard. Oh well, it was all around good times spent with awesome friends, and that’s what it’s all about, right?
We also recorded every set of the tour. Shoot us an address and in a month or so we’ll get you a copy. Of the people, by the people, for the people. Or something.”